Cross-Cultural Animation Workshop
June 27-July 3, 2023 @ King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi organized the Cross-Cultural Animation Workshop placing a strong emphasis on fostering the development of students and [...]
AAEN 2023 in Seoul / Feb 22-24, 2023 @ K’ARTS
Seminar Day (Feb. 22, 2023) Part 1: Co-work during the Pandemic In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on physical mobility for the programs. Therefore, K-ARTS, Tokyo-Geidai and CUC decided to make the [...]
2022 Co-work Online
The 13th International Collaboration of Animation (Co-work) was organized by Tokyo University of the Arts (GEIDAI), Korea National University of Arts (K-Arts), and Communication University of China (CUC). Participants from CUC, GEIDAI and K-Arts [...]
AAEN Kickoff Event on Metaverse
Korea National University of Arts hosted a metaverse event to celebrate the launch of Asian Animation Education Network on EngageVR. Faculty from core universities and guest institutions were invited to an exhibition of works produced [...]
MOOC for the young creators
This program consists of four 15-minute lectures and a 20-minute discussion that together will provide an introductory overview of Korean content. Hallyu culture is currently garnering attention across the globe. This lecture introduces the [...]
Stepping Forward: Launching the Asian Animation Education Network
Tokyo University of the Arts and its partners are launching the Asian Animation Education Network in 2022. This event includes a kickoff symposium that will discuss ways to improve higher education for animation in [...]